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3. Hats!

Robin Beadle

The hat has been underutilized for years as the main accessory for topping your overall look. Think about those old photos of your grandparent (or great grandparents) and how they always looked so well dressed even though they were the same age in the photo that you are now.  I bet they were wearing a hat.

2. Bad Ass Bag

Robin Beadle

There are some basics that everyone should have in their closet. I'm talking about items that will work hard for you and give your style that "certain something". Spend as much as you can on a super bad ass black bag. The return on investment (ROI) will be worth it. Feel free to use the below equation to help justify the cost. If you spend your money well you will be using this bag for a long time.

Purchase amount divided by the # of times used (For Chanel, that would be a life time) = Totally worth the daily cost of buying this hella expensive bag.* 

*A good shopper can always justify the purchase ;) 

1. Black Patent Leather Heels

Robin Beadle

Black patient leather is the one neutral that can be worn for any occasion. I have a pair of black patient leather Louboutins that gave me some buyer remorse in the beginning but I love them. I can wear them with anything, for any event, during any season. You don't need to spend as much as I did but being well heeled legitimizes your whole look.